Friends and Family Weekend

Formerly “Alumni Camp” / August 29 – September 1, 2025 / Hosted at Camp Mondamin

Friends and Family weekend is an opportunity for alumni of Mondamin and Green Cove to see old friends, meet new ones, and participate in fun activities around camp. We encourage families who want to get a feel for what camp is like to join the fun.

It’s been years, decades perhaps, since you have been here, and we know many people continue to hold Mondamin and Green Cove in their hearts. Now it’s time to create another instant community, share memories and celebrate a time that remains essential to so many of us.

If you can’t make it this year, consider talking to your group of friends from camp and plan a year to attend Friends and Family Weekend together. Mondamin and Green Cove will alternate hosting at their respective camps each year, and it will always be over Labor Day weekend. This year, it will be at Mondamin; in 2026, Green Cove will host. Regardless of which camp hosts, facilities at the other camp will be open depending on demand (e.g. the climbing tower at Green Cove, the zipline at Mondamin).

What Will We Be Doing?

Relive days at camp! Swim in Lake Summit. Go for a paddle. Zip down the zipline. Stay in a camp cabin. Eat meals in the dining hall and attend campfire. Other activities reminiscent of your time at camp might include trail hikes, tie-dying, biking, music, arts and crafts, games of Bombardment, and more.

Who’s Attending?

  • Mondamin and Green Cove Alumni from any year and their friends and families.
  • Families who have never been to camp but want to see what the excitement is all about!

Please note…anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult, and parents are responsible for supervision of their children.


We will follow a similar schedule as if you were a camper. It is as follows:

  • 7:45 Wake-up
  • 8:30 Breakfast
  • 9:00 Announcements
  • 9:30 Activities
  • 1:00 Lunch
  • 1:45 Rest Hour
  • 3:00 Activities
  • 6:15 Dinner
  • 7:15 Evening Program

You can arrive as early as noon on Friday and stay as late as Monday afternoon. You can come to all, or part of the weekend, although cost is the same regardless. In-camp activities will be offered all weekend including the waterfront, tennis, volleyball and trail hikes into the Back 40. There will be plenty of social time including hors d’oeurves on Saturday and Sunday late afternoon.


$340 per person for the weekend; kids under 6 half price, kids under 2 free