Welcome Parents!

If this is your first visit to our website, we recommend that you start first in the Program section, for an overview of our activities, tripping program, philosophy, location, and more.

This section of our website is intended to answer some of the more detailed questions we have been asked over the years by our camp parents. Explore our History, learn more about Our Staff, and see what other parents have had to say about us in Testimonials.

In the FAQ’s section, we cover topics such as getting campers “Unplugged” from technology (yeah!), Meals, Health, Homesickness, as well as more logistical topics such as Travel, Packing, and more.

Growth & Education

There are three things, at least, that we as parents must give our children: Love, Protection, & Exposure. The first two come naturally for us; the third… sometimes doesn’t. As a child is ready, he or she reaches out for exposure to new and different people, experiences, ideas. We must encourage this independence, while providing adult perspective, guidance, and boundaries. Controlled exposure then becomes fun and adventure, and a tremendously valuable educational experience.