“The best thing about camp was that both boys came home feeling great about themselves. It was obviously a wonderfully nurturing environment, as well as being a place where new experiences were encouraged and thoroughly enjoyed. Your “out-of-doors” classroom taught lessons of life which will never be forgotten, and which will always be treasured. We chose Mondamin because we thought it would be a truly unique experience – you didn’t let us down, and in fact you surpassed our expectations!”
“The children (and I) particularly liked their participation in planning their schedules.”
“For Carter, camp has been an important investment personally. We are pleased with how hard he worked personally to reach his goals. An additional plus has been watching the relationship between Carter and his dad grow stronger. They now share much more and respect each other for their accomplishments… a real pleasure to see the two laugh about rivers, hiking experiences, etc.”
“Our 12-year-old had very high expectations, which were met. He was very glad for all the help and encouragement the staff gave him as a new camper. In my experience as a counselor and teacher, this is the best thought-out philosophy for living I was exposed to, and I wanted our son to have this exposure.”
“It was clear from the first that he had a wonderful time. What has become clear over time is just what a profound experience it was for him. His confidence and self-esteem are higher now than they have ever been. We’re not sure exactly what you did, but you gave this child his life back.”
“As he gets older, camp keeps getting better. He especially loved getting involved in canoeing and with the canoeing staff – who must all be terrific guys!”
“Everything was even better than last year for Richard. He cried when I put him on the plane, but the second he got to camp he felt right at home, as if he’d never left, and he loved every minute. He can’t wait ‘til next year.”
“Mondamin was wonderful. Not only did Bradford grow both socially and physically, but he developed a love and appreciation for climbing, hiking, camping and living out of doors… My husband and I were impressed with the organization during the father-son hike. It showed that someone was really paying attention.”
“Greg learned many life-long skills. He matured and takes much more responsibility for himself than before camp. He shows much more initiative in his schoolwork. (He still can’t make his bed or keep his room neat — maybe next summer!)”
“Jamie has truly thrived at Mondamin. Each summer he has set goals, worked hard, and reached them. The encouragement he’s received has made him believe he could accomplish anything he set his mind to. His sense of accomplishment, self-confidence and pride have grown tremendously.”
“Our son, the youngest of four campers, had looked forward to camp for years. It was a dream come true for him.”
“We have never seen such a delightful maturing and such a joyful son. He adored camp. Mondamin gave him a chance to discover his own strengths and self-worth. He made many friends of various ages. He has told us so much about the challenges he met and the growth that came with each challenge successfully met.”
Over the years, many Mondamin parents have offered to be representatives and references in their area of the country. If you would like to speak with a fellow parent, give us a call and we’ll put you in touch.