It is with both immense gratitude and a touch of sadness that we are this fall saying bon voyage to Gordon Grant, a.k.a. Gordo, who is stepping down f...
It is with both immense gratitude and a touch of sadness that we are this fall saying bon voyage to Gordon Grant, a.k.a. Gordo, who is stepping down f...
Summer is by far the most anticipated season here at camp, full of sunshine and fun, laughter and friends. But fall and spring are magical, too. Like ...
You may have seen on Facebook the news that Robert Danos recently mentioned his excitement at turning camp over to new leadership, and that new leader...
We’ll be producing a new print brochure in the Fall, but for now we have this revised online PDF brochure at www.mondamin.com/brochure If you know of ...
Dear Friends, As we transition into our new roles, Gordon and I have been reflecting deeply on Mondamin’s history and future. Through conversations wi...
We are very excited to be announcing our 2024 season and the launch of making our 2nd century even better than the first! Season dates can be found u...
Day Shelmire from Dallas, TX was a camper at Mondamin for 6 summers and on staff for 4. His three boys (Wesley, William, and Thomas) have all been cam...
From: Mondamin and Green Cove Leadership Team There is no other way to say it: We are deeply sorry for the cancellation of this summer’s sessions caus...