If you know Mondamin’s long time summer photographer, then you know that we already considered him a super hero. But now the Science Channel, home to ...
All of the latest news from camp all year round!
If you know Mondamin’s long time summer photographer, then you know that we already considered him a super hero. But now the Science Channel, home to ...
The Green Cove War Canoe - a more than 70-year old treasure - has spent the winter in the Mondamin boat shop under renovation. It needed many of its p...
In the mid 60’s, three summer staff members at Camp Mondamin became friends and life long lovers of rock climbing. Robert John Gillespie, Steve Longen...
A whole new scene at the top of the peninsula is taking shape...
We believe that there are only two summer camps in the country with a program in which boys learn how to build wooden canoes from scratch - one in Mai...
Alumni Weekend 2016 Alumni Weekend, which is an annual Labor Day event, was a big hit! Being our 95th birthday made it even more fun. Check out some ...
A Trip Report: Camp goes to Asia! This is the first time we’ve done an actual recruiting trip there (Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Tokyo). We have been in ...
A powerful article about Mondamin alum, Steve Blizzard, and those supporting his journey, especially Green Cove alum Virginia Spigener. Truly inspirat...
Many of our parents sent us this Washington Post article. We found the insights worth sharing! I send my kids to sleep-away camp to give them a compe...
From a Southern Living article we thought you’d enjoy! Bill Paxton was a camper in his teens on the old “work program” - a way of paying off the eight...